Emily’s Heart <3

I miss Emily‘s heart.


My wonderful lil sis took me to see Passion last night an intimate concert as a surprise ‘pick-me-up’ treat.

What an Angel. Thank you Em. x

Passion, who’d flown over all the way from San Fran to bless us, was absolutely amazing!

Here are three tracks to give you a taster of the soul food we got served (these songs really resonate with me):

For more marvellous melody, check Passion’s YouTube channel.

If you can though, try and see him live, he is touring the UK for the rest of the month!

Side note: He has a beautiful Faith.

Peace, love and Passion

NJ x

Happy Birthday Angel M…

Happy Birthday my darling Angel M.

My horrifically beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday went down a right treat. Both live. Then surround sound by phoning her (as she sat next to me) then Facebook, Twitter blah blah blah.

Hope you like the presents.

Lots of love

Big sis x

PS- Follow the beauty @LitttleMoonStar

Emily is Twenty!

Happy Burrday SugarPlum x

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.
– Emily Dickinson

It May Never Be The Same

(For Em)
It may never be the same
And its HIS loss
So what a shame
But with your exquisite frame
Your lovely name
Your beauty remains
And so you always got game!!

You’re young and you’re single
You’re pretty and nimble
So get out their baby!
Go out and mingle!

The man of your dreams
Might be just round the corner
But you ain’t gonna find him
Till you take a wander!

So lets go get walking
Lets go get talking
And make sure you’re smiling
So your beauty stays shining.

It might hurt for now
But darling hurts how
The heart needs to heal
So you don’t need to conceal
How the pain feels so real

So let it all out
Scream kick and shout
And cry just a little
But cry with a smile
And then laugh a while

Because your future awaits
And though time it takes
Things will get better
Things will get brighter

How do I know?
Because you’re a fighter!

You weren’t born for defeat
You weren’t born to be beat
You were born to rise
You were born to shine
So wipe those eyes
Of sadness and grime
So that you’re ready
For the good times!

Em You are a star worth more than gold
Beauty like yours can’t be bought or sold

Every year I watch you grow
But I think its time I show
You how much you mean to me
You are my angel, 143