Royal Holloway: Alumni Entrepreneurs Profiling Campaign

So honoured that my wonderful university, Royal Holloway, University of London; who supported me through three life changing years of study and personal growth, asked to feature me in their current campaign to profile alumni entrepreneurs.

Free Online Media Training for East London Female Entrepreneurs

Innovate Her is a new EU-funded project which aims to inspire and up-skill East London based female entrepreneurs so that they become more innovative through the effective use of technologies. The project is delivered by the Tower Hamlets College and run in conjunction with the Women’s Business Centre at Newham College.

A number of free workshops and seminars run by expert business counsellors and successful female business owners are being held throughout November and December this year with more dates to be confirmed in 2011. Topics to be covered include SEO (search engine optimisation), e-commerce, pay per click (PPC) and social media.

To attend the workshops you must be a female business owner (or a male employee working for a female-led business) where the business is trading in Hackney, Newham or Tower Hamlets. You do not have to live in one of these areas but your business must be trading in one or more of these boroughs. The business can be a charity, a social enterprise or a self-employed operation.

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Management Futures

I used to live in this castle!

This majestic turreted castle was once my home. Fond memories of illegally cooking meals and countless nights sitting in the drafty corridors at an awkward angle in attempt to siphon enough wi-fi to Skype loved ones…sweet Founders.

Don’t ever question my claims to the throne again!

I was asked to speak at the beautiful Royal Holloway School of Management, my old haunt (once named the most picturesque university in Europe), about what I’ve done with myself since graduation by the Entrepreneurship department.

It was a real honour to be back behind the podium, sharing my post-university experiences (corporate, entrepreneurial and freelance) with current Management and Economics BSc students.

It was also incredibly inspiring to hear about how fellow Management alumni have spent their years achieving great things since flying the RoHo nest.

The Head of School has asked me if I’d been interested in lecturing the Entrepreneurship MSc students… watch this space!

PS- Shout out to the RoHo legend that is Marianne Bowyer! Lovely to see her 🙂